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Soma Journey: Made with Your Stories

Soma’s workbook, which helps people get through tough times after a breakup, is special because it’s made with help from people like you.

Understanding the Breakup Impact

To truly grasp how breakups affect different individuals, Soma reached out to different communities in Reddit and TikTok, as well as their own friends and family, and asked them to share their own breakup stories. To get some data, we asked the willing participants to fill out different surveys.

These questionnaires were designed to dive deep into the emotional psyche of those who have experienced a breakup. Questions ranged from assessing the intensity of emotional pain to understanding the time it takes to heal. The objective was to gather a spectrum of experiences – acknowledging that breakups can range from mildly upsetting to profoundly life-altering.

This data collection was pivotal in tailoring the workbook’s content. Understanding the varying degrees of emotional impact helped Soma create a resource that was not one-size-fits-all, but rather a tool that could be meaningful and helpful to a wide range of individuals with different healing needs.

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Identifying interest points in self-development

Alongside understanding the impact of breakups, the questionnaires also sought to identify which aspects of self-development and healing were most pertinent to individuals. This part of the survey explored various themes such as self-esteem rebuilding, managing loneliness, finding independence, and fostering emotional resilience.

The responses illuminated the most sought-after topics in the realm of post-breakup self-growth. This insight was crucial in ensuring that the workbook didn’t just address the pain of breakups but also provided pathways and exercises focused on personal development and empowerment.

A Community-Driven Approach to Content Creation

The information gathered from the questionnaires didn’t just inform the workbook’s content; it also shaped the way Soma interacted with its community. Recognizing the diverse needs and interests of their audience, Soma tailored its online content, workshops, and discussions to address these areas. This approach ensured that Soma’s offerings were not just reactive but proactively aligned with the evolving interests and needs of their community.

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Join the Soma community

Soma’s journey in creating this workbook is an ongoing process, fueled by the stories and experiences of those it aims to help. Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives, Soma invites anyone who wishes to contribute to this evolving project.

If you have a story to share, insights on your healing journey, or suggestions for the workbook, Soma would love to hear from you. Your experiences not only enrich the resource but also help others who are navigating similar paths. To be a part of this supportive community and contribute to the advancement of the workbook, you can share your story at

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has supported Soma and participated in this journey. Your stories, feedback, and engagement have been invaluable. You’ve not only helped shape a useful workbook but also created a community of support and understanding. Thank you for being a part of Soma’s journey, for sharing your experiences, and for helping us all grow together.

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