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Let's compare.

Everyone's needs are different. We understand that and are glad to offer various workbook editions tailored to meet your unique journey. Explore our range to find the perfect match for your healing process. Whether it be a one month thing or a more fulfilling journey,

a quick summary

1-Month Journey
Most affordable.
  • Weekly review pages
  • Length - 28 days
  • Pages - 87-90
  • Goal planner
  • All chapters
  • Physical
  • Weekly bonus reading
  • Breathing exercises
  • Reflective exercises
  • Bonus chapters
3-Month Bundle
A great value.
  • Weekly review pages
  • Length - 84 days
  • Pages - 258
  • Goal planner
  • All chapters
  • Physical
  • Weekly bonus reading
  • Breathing exercises
  • Reflective exercises
  • Bonus chapters

features in detail


1-Month Journey

3-Month Bundle

Breakup Workbook

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