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chapter 1 - your journey starts here

Feeling a bit lost post-breakup? The Soma workbook is here to help. The exercises are designed to help you process the breakup and guide you through the heartbreak. It’s like having a wise friend by your side with practical advice and real support. Want to get back to feeling great? This workbook is your step-by-step plan to bouncing back, showing you how to regain your strength and happiness in no time.
Ready to start the new chapter?
let's break it down

here is what to expect from each week.

The first chapter is designed to help you get through those tough first weeks. We’ll help you make sense of your emotions, tackle that “no contact” rule, and help you take back what was lost.
1. No contact
This week emphasizes the necessity of breaking contact with your ex for healing. It's a time for self-reflection and personal rediscovery, focusing on what truly makes you happy and fulfilled​.
3. Feeling over-whelmed
In this week, you'll learn to handle feelings of being overwhelmed. Techniques include focusing on your immediate environment identifying your emotions,and using deep breathing to calm yourself, helping you regain control.
2. All the emotions
Time to face and acknowledge your emotions after the breakup. You are guided to understand why you feel certain ways and how to process these emotions healthily, fostering personal growth.
4. Reconnecting with yourself
Rebuild your sense of self post-breakup. Activities include rediscovering activities you enjoy, meditation, self-care, and setting future goals, all aimed at personal rediscovery and growth.

Within these pages, you'll uncover:

Which breakup stage am I really in, and how can knowing this help me heal?
Why do I feel so up and down lately, and what can I do about it?
What did I learn from my last relationship, and how can it help me now?
How can looking back at my moods and achievements help me move forward?
What are some go-to self-care tricks to soothe my heart right after a breakup?
How can I turn my current pain into a source of strength?
What can my emotions reveal about what I truly need right now?
How can a weekly review of my feelings help me make sense of my breakup?

Ready for your new beginning?

We will stand with you every step of the way.

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