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chapter 3 - getting out there again

You’re healing, and it shows. Now, let’s build on that strength.
let's break it down

month 3 will tell you how strong you really are

The worst is behind you, and you’re starting to find your stride again. The Third Month teaches you to own your resilience and step confidently into the future. Inside, you’ll find tools to harness your newfound strength, guidance for designing your dream life, and strategies for building healthy habits that will boost your confidence.
9. Confidence
Reflect on your growth and acknowledge the steps you've taken in understanding yourself. Focus on actions that reinforce your self-worth and resilience, growing confidence with each challenge faced.
11. Communication
Enhance your relationships by practicing active listening, empathy, and clear expression. Set boundaries and engage in constructive conflict resolution for stronger, healthier connections.
10. Motivation
Focus on setting achievable goals and understanding what drives your motivation. Celebrate small victories and use them as stepping stones to maintain momentum and achieve your objectives.
12. New You
Celebrate your transformation and the skills you've developed throughout this journey. Reflect on your growth and apply these insights in your daily life and future relationships.

this chapter will give you answers to:

How can I stop looking for approval from others and find it in myself?
How can I be kinder to my feelings instead of reacting quickly?
How can knowing my own worth help me heal?
What steps can I take to rebuild my social life after a breakup?
What activities can help me understand my own values better?
How do my body sensations relate to my feelings, and what can they teach me?
What does it mean to feel "enough" after a breakup?
How can I set healthy boundaries in my future relationships?

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