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Journaling Makes Me Feel Worse – Is it Normal?

  • Journaling
We often pick up our journals hoping to feel better, organized, and less stressed. The benefits of self-reflection and emotional expression are well-documented. Yet, some of us paradoxically find the journaling process emotionally challenging.…
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Breakups, Betrayal, and the Fire of Motivation

  • Breakup
The end of a relationship often floods us with a tidal wave of challenging emotions... it’s common to feel a burning, often destructive, anger. This anger may be directed toward the person who left…
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The Secret to Deep Connections

  • Relationships
Strong relationships don't magically happen. They take effort, awareness, and a willingness to be open and kind. If you sometimes struggle to find your footing in relationships, you're not alone! In this guide, we'll…
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How Do I Find My Purpose? A Journey of Discovery

  • New beginnings
Discovering your purpose can seem like a daunting task. It's an expedition with twists and turns, sometimes leaving us feeling lost or aimless. But imagine the fulfillment you'll feel when that puzzle of your…
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Breaking Down the Mystery: Why is Your Ex Thriving?

  • Breakup
Discussing the intricate details of your ex’s perceived success post-breakup often begins with an examination of perceptions against reality. It is easy to feel like your ex is thriving, especially when viewing their life…
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How Your Childhood Impacts Breakups

  • Personal development
The end of a relationship can feel like the world is crumbling. Yet, within the universal experience of heartbreak lies something deeply personal. Why do breakups seem to devastate some, while others navigate them…
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How to Bring Back the Spark in a Long-Term Relationship?

  • Relationships
When you're in a committed, long-term relationship, the passion of those early butterfly-filled days can sometimes fade. The demands of work, household responsibilities, maybe even kids, take over. You and your partner settle into…
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When will my ex come back?

  • Breakup
Getting over a breakup is tough. It's normal to wonder if your ex will come back. Before reaching out, focus on yourself and your healing. Consider why the relationship ended – were the problems…

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