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Guided workbooks
for healing breakups.

Start your journey, dive deep into your feelings, and find closure by understanding the heartache.
Discover guided workbooks for emotional healing, self-discovery & mindful living. Start your journey today!
our users are saying
"I love it as an addition to therapy. Having something to do every day along with space for journaling is a blessing!"
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"Bought it thinking it was going to be a breezy breakup guide. Instead, it tricked me into actual personal growth. Now I have a journal full of insights and no more excuses. Unacceptable!"
Verified Review
"After a rough breakup, this workbook felt like a friend who understood. The stages of grief were well-explained, and the activities made me feel less alone."
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breakups suck!

*are a chance to-















let go







your journey

chapter 1

day 01-30
The first month is all about facing your emotions head-on. It's a safe space to feel everything you're going through and start understanding your feelings. You'll engage in activities that help you express and process these emotions.
The Plan:
  • break the chains
  • embrace emotions
  • manage overwhelm
  • look inside
  • contact the ex

chapter 2

day 31-60
The second month, you'll dive into what the breakup has taught you. It's about self-reflection, recognizing personal patterns, and starting to rebuild a stronger sense of self. You'll find activities focused on growth and gaining emotional clarity.
The Plan:
  • deal with anxiety
  • be more mindful
  • learn gratitude
  • be enough
  • cut the crap

chapter 3

day 61-90
By month three, you're actively moving forward. It's about setting new goals, exploring new interests, and letting go of the past. You're not just surviving the breakup; you're turning it into a new, positive start.
The Plan:
  • gain confidence
  • get motivated
  • communicate
  • new chapter
  • stay stuck
We know you have questions. Let's break down the most asked ones.

This workbook is for anyone going through a breakup, regardless of the length or nature of the relationship. It's suitable for all genders and sexual orientations.

The breakup workbook is designed to help individuals navigate the emotional and practical challenges of a breakup, offering tools and exercises to support healing and personal growth.

The workbook covers a range of topics, including emotional processing, self-care strategies, rebuilding self-esteem, setting boundaries, and planning for the future.

The primary focus of the workbook is to help you heal and move forward. While it doesn’t specifically aim to rekindle relationships, it can help you gain clarity and emotional strength, which might assist you in making informed decisions about your relationship.

It's normal to feel overwhelmed during the breakup process. Take breaks as needed, reach out to supportive friends or family, and consider seeking professional help if your emotions feel too intense to manage on your own.

While the workbook can be a valuable tool for self-help, it is not a substitute for professional therapy. If you're struggling significantly, it's important to seek support from a qualified therapist.

Yes, we are updating the workbook periodically based on user feedback and new insights. Keep in touch through our website for announcements about new editions or supplementary materials.

Yes, the workbook is available in both digital and print formats. You can choose the version that best suits your needs.

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3 proven steps to conquer anxious attachment style

Let’s face it: if you have an anxious attachment style, you’ve been living on an emotional rollercoaster for too long. You crave love but always feel like it’s slipping through your fingers. You obsess over texts, overthink every look, and panic at the slightest hint of distance from your partner. Sound familiar?

Well, I’m here to tell you that your anxious attachment is NOT a life sentence. You can break free from this self-sabotaging cycle and build a healthier, more secure relationship. But it’s not going to happen just by finding someone to “love you enough.” You have to heal yourself first.

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